I had my co-worker Jennifer and her teenage daughter try the Himalaya Products on their problem skin. Although I have tried the products and have shared my results with you I wanted you to hear it from someone else. Thanks you so much Jennifer and little Jenn!!
Q 1. How would you describe your skin (texture, moisture level, acne, ect) before using the cream facial wash?
A. I am very fair with sensitive skin. I also have severe rosacea on my checks. So I get break outs and extra dry skin in those areas.
Q 2. How would you describe your skin (texture, moisture level, ect) after using the cream facial wash?
A. Certainly helped the rosacea calm down. Skin felt smoother and less tight than after other facial washes.
Q 3. Would you recommend this product to anyone?
A. I recommended it to my 14 year old. It is a wonderful product. It is not harsh at all. Does not strip delicate skin of the moisture it needs.
Q 4. How do you feel about the toner? Did it leave your face feeling? (Dry or refreshed? Tight or moisturized? ect.)
A. Because of my dry / sensitive skin I tend to only was my face at night and was rinsing w/water in the am to refresh I switched to the toner - it doesn't make my face feel that 'tight' feeling that the water sometimes does. I almost feel like I don't need the moisturizer. It feels refreshed and smooth.
Q 5. Did the mask help with your break out? Was the smell pleasant? Was it easy to apply, to take of? Would your recommend it to friends?
A. I liked the mask - my daughter used it more. The smell was really nice.
Q 6. Did the Pimple cream help reduce the size of your pimples? How long would you say it took to diminish the size of your pimple? How did you feel about the smell, texture, application, ect.
A. The pimple cream got me started! I started on my cheeks with my rosacea spots and it really calmed the acne down. I gave it to my daughter and she loved it. She used it daily on some of her trouble spots and the acne cleared - she gave it to her friends and now they love it too. I would say it took about a 4 days to a week to see a difference but anything that tells you it will work overnight is just going to dry your skin out and strip it and make matters worse down the line. I love this product.
Q 7.Would you recommend Himalaya Herbal Health care to your friends? Where did you get your product (answer only if you ordered products) Where did you get them from? Was the process easy? How was accuracy of bill? How long did it take? How was the customer service (answer only if you had direct contact with the company). Would you use them again?
A. Yes, I have recommended the product. Ordered online - so far just the pimple cream.
1 comment:
Many people feel that their title="acne" href="http://www.skinmed.co.uk" >acne< is overly
embarrassing and
unmanageable. I have read story after story of heartache, especially
from teens that endure heartless bullying from schoolmates. There are
so many different remedies and medications. What most people fail to
realise is that each individual has a different biological makeup and
what works for one person may not work for everyone. In some cases
certain acne treatment can adversely affect already irritated skin.
This further causes unnecessary embarrassment and frustration to an
already uncomfortable situation.
Propaganda fuels misconceptions about different so-called remedies and
even causes. The idea that chocolate and oily food causes acne. When in
truth, makeup, unhealthy skin and even perspiration can cause acne.
All of these factors affect the skin. But even your skin makeup can
affect your skin and create back acne, scalp acne, large assesses or
ingrown hair. There is an acne questionnaire done by a company called
Skinmed that will help to diagnose acne problems through a series of
questions, and then it n recommends the best acne treatment for each
Teen acne is typically the most difficult to diagnose because of
hormonal considerations, but there is a special area meant just for
teen acne that has a completely different set of rules when running the
formula that determines the best medications or treatments. In some
cases simple changes in hygiene and daily washing is all that it takes.
The site also has a title "free acne/rosacea cream" title="acne"
href="http://www.skinmed.co.uk" >free acne treatment/a that is made up
of a three step process. The primary reason most teens, especially boys
tend to have more problems with chronic acne is because of a lack of
simply washing their face regularly. So this treatment is free is a way
to create a healthy daily routine, while gently healing the skin to
prevent acne scarring brought on as a result of squeezing the sores.
Once daily cleaning is practices, and hormonal issues are taken into
consideration, a proper treatment regiment can be highly affective.
At the end of the day most acne, even teen acne , can be eliminated
quickly and permanently with the right motivation. After all, we all
want to be beautiful don’t we?
Susan Smith
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