Four months ago I left Philadelphia for the United States Virgin Islands. I left behind all the stresses of city living, the never ending rat race that moves us along. However, my acne followed me across the Atlantic Ocean into the Caribbean Sea. Where it found itself happily back on my face. I knew it was because of the climate: the heat and hot-hot sun. I went to the health food store to buy a bottle of Jojoba Oil, but it was triple the cost of Trader Joes. Not gonna happen. Late
r that day I was watching the tele and I saw a Neutrogena ad claiming that its new acne system works faster than ProActive. !Really! So I went to the local Kmart and got myself the Neutrogena Advance Solutions Complete Acne Therapy System. On sale there was also a face brush very similar to the Clarisonic face brush that I have been hinting for for quite some time, but it was more than I wanted to spend. I had already gotten the Acne Therapy System for $27 and I didn't feel like spending money that I didn't have. Then I remembered the Dermalogica Facial Brush I won in an office contest and decided just like afrobella that I was going to implement this tool as part of my new regimine. That evening I went home wet my face with some warm water, applied a quater-size amont of cleanser in my hand and applied it to my face. The active ingredient in the cleanser is salicylic acid. Then I wet the facial brush and made circular motions with it around my face. Gently massaging and lifting away dead skin cells and debris. After I washed the cleanser off of my face I applied the "night cream", which has a benzoyl peroxide base and went to bed. I have to admit I did notice a reduction in some of my pimples the following morning. Then I repeated the first step and applied the "day cream" to my face. The day cream basically is an SPF 15 cream with a natural product base that is not elaborated on. I felt like the day cream made me sweat even more. I could feel it on my face. I think the next time I'll just use less product. I recommend this system for anyone suffering from mild to moderate acne. I don't know how well it would work for someone with really bad acne. If you or anyone you know have tried it please leave a comment. I am still using the product but because of my hectic lifestyle there are nights where I don't follow through with the steps. If you are going to use this system be commited to it. Just like ProActive or Murad, if you don't commit to the program it will not work.